Behind The Scene Photo Shoot: Apparel Launch!

Last week the GT-Moto crew set out to find the perfect model, in a gorgeous location, with some badass bikes, for the new clothing line... IT WAS EPIC. 

It's been my passion for a long time to create something that people love and respect. My family and I have definitely gone through some hard times, medical and money wise. We learned that it's not about getting back up on your feet, because life and people will always try and push you down. It's about always staying up on your feet and walking past them with your head held high. We can only control ourselves in this world, and what we choose to do with the short life we have. I'm not a doctor. I can't not physically fix someone, but I can fix motorcycles and use them to raise money for those who need help and to have a better life. That is what this company is about. When you wear a shirt or ride our bikes, it's an even greater feeling because you know it's part of something bigger.

Brandon LaJoie and Ross Freehling have both been with my Dad and I from the start of all this. Both, going through the pain of seeing their loved ones fight cancer. Having these guys as a part of our team is what turns this shop into its own form of art. Its a passion we hope to continue to spread and use to help others during this build. 

Here is a short video and some behind the scene photos of the shoot for the new clothing line. Victor Franco and I collaborated on some designs that we thought fit for our moto families taste. One of which is THE BIKE that we raffled off in 2014. Logan Miller (Owner of The Giant Robot), a fellow rider and friend, helped us come up with great material shirts, tanks, and hoodies to digitally print these works of art on that you can wear!

I hope we can get these sold because the more we sell, the more we raise. So please, feel free to pick your favorite one and show your support!

Photos and Video by: Ross Freehling

Photographer: Brandon LaJoie

Model: Michelle Powers

Designer: Victor Franco and Sofi Tsingos

Digital Screen Print By: Logan Miller

Bikes Built by: GT-Moto

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